Sunday, June 12, 2005

Yahoo!! Crazy people.....

I guess nobody has a monopoly on crazy people. This is from an IM I got while over on Yahoo!Messenger... Sorry it's so damn long, but it's all purty funny to me....

{Crazy Woman}: are you there

{Me}: Sorta.

{Crazy Woman}: i need to ask you something

{Me}: Ok.

{Crazy Woman}: i have a friend that you weren't being nice to

{Crazy Woman}: {deluded Yahoo! Member who thinks she’s taken pictures of the paranormal}

{Crazy Woman}: you were talking bad about her pics

{Crazy Woman}: they are great pics

{Me}: I actually think I've been rather nice to her. I was offering my opinions about what the pictures were actually of.

{Crazy Woman}: i've seen alot of pics in my time and non of them are that good

{Crazy Woman}: you don't need to give her tips

{Crazy Woman}: she doesn't need them

{Me}: And offered suggestions on how to avoid having my explanations as a possiblity....

{Crazy Woman}: who are you to tell her how to take pics

{Crazy Woman}: and i know what you are doing right now

{Me}: Frankly, someone who knows how to take pictures and can spot camera shake when I see it.

{Crazy Woman}: you are sending her a pics aren't you

{Crazy Woman}: it's not

{Crazy Woman}: how old are you

{Me}: Yes. It is. Most of the "energy" pictures are simply a shaking camera.

{Me}: What difference does it make how old I am?

{Crazy Woman}: i just want to know

{Crazy Woman}: what is the harm in that

{Me}: I'm 37.

{Crazy Woman}: are you a photographer

{Crazy Woman}: are you there

{Me}: Yes, and yes.

{Me}: Though, not professional. But that's probably because I've never submitted anything I've taken to be purchased.

{Crazy Woman}: how do you know that {fairly nice if not deluded Yahoo! Member} isn't a photographer

{Crazy Woman}: do you know how many paranormal pics i have seen

{Crazy Woman}: i have seen a lot

{Me}: For one, she doesn't have a tripod. Two, she doesn't seem to recognize camera shake when she sees it.

{Crazy Woman}: and {pictures of dust mites and other airborne particulate matter taken by Deluded Yahoo! Member} are really good

{Crazy Woman}: i know what i am looking at

{Me}: Most paranormal pictures are nothing more than reflected dust (or other particles) from a flash, camera shake and overactive imaginations.

{Crazy Woman}: these aren't

{Me}: Yes. They are.

{Crazy Woman}: i know paranormal pics when i see them

{Me}: No, you don't.

{Crazy Woman}: plus i'm psycic

{Me}: No, you're not.

{Crazy Woman}: so yeah i do know

{Me}: If you're psychic, you would have known how old I am.

{Crazy Woman}: i can tell when things are real and not

{Me}: (Not to mention it's in the tiny bit of information in my profile.)

{Me}: No, you can't.

{Crazy Woman}: i can's sense anything about you because you are closed up

{Crazy Woman}: i haven't checked your profile

{Me}: How do you know I'm closed up?

{Crazy Woman}: i can sense that

{Crazy Woman}: you are hard on ppl aren't you

{Crazy Woman}: oh wait you wouldn't know

{Crazy Woman}: you are closed up

{Me}: But you just said you can't sense anything about me...

{Crazy Woman}: i can sense enough

{Crazy Woman}: you got something to say about that

{Me}: You can sense enough to not sense anything? Do you realize you're not making any sense?

{Crazy Woman}: to you

{Crazy Woman}: i make lots of sense to others

{Me}: No. To anybody with any sense of normality and rational thought.

{Crazy Woman}: what i sense is that there is a wall up

{Me}: Oh, please....

{Crazy Woman}: what is normal

{Crazy Woman}: who are you to say anything to {rather nice Deluded Yahoo! Member who, unfortunately, has a Crazy Woman for a friend} or me about what we do

{Me}: Who are you to say that I have a "wall" up?

{Crazy Woman}: i can feel it

{Crazy Woman}: i'm a psycic

{Me}: I can feel that you're just a moron.

{Crazy Woman}: you're not psycic

{Crazy Woman}: i am

{Me}: You are not a psychic. If you think you are, you're just fooling yourself.

{Crazy Woman}: you are a scared man

{Me}: Maybe I *am* a psychic and I'm battling you on a psychic level because I'm more powerful than you are...

{Crazy Woman}: yeah right

{Me}: Did you "sense" that I'm scared?

{Crazy Woman}: no

{Crazy Woman}: it's very obvious

{Me}: So I told you that I was scared?

{Crazy Woman}: no

{Me}: Obvious to whom???

{Crazy Woman}: me and {rather pleasant deluded Yahoo! Member with crappy camera skills}

{Crazy Woman}: and i'm sure everyone you talked to

{Me}: Oh, and now you know about all my contacts. Wow! You *are* psychic.... (Even though you can't spell it.)

{Crazy Woman}: you just leave my friend along

{Crazy Woman}: whatever

{Me}: I'll do what I want with and to whom I want.

{Crazy Woman}: leave my friend alone

{Crazy Woman}: you're gonna want to leave my friend alone

{Me}: You gonna send a psychic ball of energy at me?

{Crazy Woman}: you never know

{Crazy Woman}: just leave her alone

{Me}: And your friend doesn't seem to mind my talking to her nearly as much as you do...

{Me}: You ain't gonna send a psychic ball of energy because psychic balls of energy don't exist.

{Crazy Woman}: i don't like you

{Me}: Then why did you IM me?

{Crazy Woman}: to tell you not to be mean to {Unfortunately friend-challenged Yahoo! Member} and give her tips she doesn't need

{Crazy Woman}: bye

{Me}: She needs the tips to help her avoid having her pictures explained away the way I explained them away.

{Crazy Woman}: did she ask for the "tips"

{Me}: If you don't want your friend to improve, what kind of friend are *you*?

{Crazy Woman}: i am the type of friend that will stand up for her friends

{Me}: No, she didn't. But I easily explained away the pictures, and told her of some ways she can help avoid having similar explanations.

{Crazy Woman}: did she say thanks

{Crazy Woman}: or did she tell you that the pics were real paranormal pics

{Me}: You're the type of friend who doesn't seem to really know her friends... 'Cause she seems interested in bettering her self...

{Crazy Woman}: she didn't say that to me

{Me}: "Real paranormal" pictures don't exist because the paranormal is absurd.

{Crazy Woman}: have you ever seen a ghost

{Crazy Woman}: or felt one

{Crazy Woman}: i've seen things, i've felt things

{Me}: So your friend is two-faced??? Showing me one thing (Pleasantness) and telling you others??

{Me}: You *are* a horrible friend.

{Crazy Woman}: i've seen an orb with my own two eyes

{Crazy Woman}: no i'm not

{Me}: No. I've never seen a ghost because ghosts don't exist.

{Me}: Yes you are.

{Crazy Woman}: ghosts exist

{Crazy Woman}: i know this

{Me}: No, you don't.

{Crazy Woman}: you can't give up can you

{Me}: You *THINK* you know it. But, since they don't, you can't.

{Me}: What makes you think ghosts are real?

{Me}: Oh, psychic one....

{Crazy Woman}: i've seen them

{Me}: You saw something that you couldn't explain any easier than saying it was ghost. That's what really happened.

{Crazy Woman}: i'll tell you exactly what i saw

{Me}: We *want* to believe there is something after this life on earth, but there isn't. We want to believe that our dead loved ones can contact us after they died (because we feel so much grief at their passing) but they don't.

{Crazy Woman}: i was looking at the driveway of the trailer park i live in and i saw an orangish red ball of light hovering about 3 feet above the ground

{Crazy Woman}: there were no cars or anything like that

{Me}: You live in a trailer park? If you were really psychic, why don't you play the lottery and win and get out???

{Crazy Woman}: i don't use my gift for myself

{Crazy Woman}: it's not what it's there for

{Me}: Of course not...

{Crazy Woman}: and living in a trailer park isn't bad

{Me}: Ok, here's what I think is going on with you. You *know* this whole ghost/psychic thing is a complete sham but you still want your friend to believe in it. So, you're absolutely *terrified* that I'm giving her the tools to realize that it's all not real.... And you'll have lost another person to reality and rational thought....

{Crazy Woman}: that's not true

{Crazy Woman}: and you're acting like a shrink

{Crazy Woman}: do you have a degree

{Crazy Woman}: i doubt it

{Me}: The louder you say it isn't true, the more true it becomes...

{Crazy Woman}: well how about this i'll say goodbye and never talk to you again, you think you're so smart talking like you know it all, when you really don't, sorry but i am one person you will not fool

{Me}: Because you've already realized that this whole Ghost thing is a sham and a way to make money.

{Me}: Oh, since you don't use your psychic gift for yourself, are your readings all free?

{Crazy Woman}: i don't make money off from it

{Crazy Woman}: and you can't give up

{Me}: So, they *are* free?

{Crazy Woman}: you must be scared of the other world

{Me}: You'll give a reading to anybody who asks for it for no money?

{Crazy Woman}: you think you know it all when in reality you know nothing

{Crazy Woman}: i don't do readings

{Crazy Woman}: and if i did i would charge

{Me}: There is no "other world". The "other world" is simply a myth that we've created based on information we, as a species, couldn't process correctly.

{Me}: If you don't do readings how do you know you're psychic?

{Crazy Woman}: i get dreams that come true

{Crazy Woman}: i am empathic

{Crazy Woman}: i feel what others are feeling

{Me}: Everybody has dreams that they think come true.

{Crazy Woman}: they come true

{Me}: Empathy is not psychic.

{Crazy Woman}: sure it is

{Me}: No, you *THINK* your dreams come true.... It's the feeling of de ja vu.

{Crazy Woman}: i know what ppl are feeling cause i feel it

{Crazy Woman}: i thought i said bye

{Crazy Woman}: freak

{Me}: Do you ask them if they're feeling something that you think they're feeling"?

{Me}: How often are you right?

{Crazy Woman}: 95%

{Me}: How often are you wrong?

{Crazy Woman}: 5%

{Me}: You're not psychic; you're just good at guessing what other people are feeling.

{Crazy Woman}: i don't ask them i tell them

{Crazy Woman}: then why do i feel what they are feeling

{Crazy Woman}: why can i feel it so deep it's like my own but i haven't been feeling that

{Crazy Woman}: until they came around

{Me}: Oh. So you're an agressive "psychic" who doesn't do readings who tells people what they're feeling (heedless of whether or not you're right or wrong....) You must be a blast at parties and bar mitzvahs....

{Crazy Woman}: ppl love me

{Crazy Woman}: now i'm saying bye

{Me}: Yeah, right. Do a scientific study to prove your claims then come back and talk to me. You have nothing but anecdotal evidence.

{Crazy Woman}: fine i will

{Crazy Woman}: and i'll have a lot

{Crazy Woman}: bye

{Me}: I thought you were leaving.

{Me}: No, you won't have any because your "gift" doesn't exist and can't be proven.

{Crazy Woman}: bye

{Me}: Well, go already!

{Crazy Woman}: bye

{Me}: Pychic Girl who can't "empathize" to get the lottery numbers....

{Crazy Woman}: bye

{Me}: Psychic Girl who doesn't use her "gift" for herself. (How can you empathize with yourself???)

{Crazy Woman}: it's not for me

{Crazy Woman}: bye

{Me}: Of course not; because no one can empathize with themself.

{Me}: You're just a deluded trailerpark trash woman who thinks she knows stuff that she doesn't....


{Me}: Ooh! I think I hit a nerve with the trailer trash!!!

{Me}: I think you protest too much....

1 comment:

  1. Aaah HA HA HAAA!
    choke, gasp!
    Too funny.
    Bryan, I love you and miss you.

