Friday, December 29, 2006

Oh, I'm a Lumberjack and I'm OK....

Ok, we got a wood stove installed the other week. And I friggin' LOVE the damn thing. Heat the house up to 73 degrees and it doesn't cost a damn thing? LOVE IT!

Yesterday, we went and played Lumberjack at some body's house cuttin' down some eucalyptus trees for firewood next year. I cut down my first tree!!! EVER! And I did it right, too! Making that third cut above the notch and the slow movement of the tree as it begins to fall.... It's almost poetic!

And today, I went out and took our new maul out to split some wood for a little bit. It's a thing of beauty! >THWACK!< And the two bits of log fly off the block in opposite directions. I never thought I'd enjoy doing that sort of yard work, but I did!

Yeah, I know at some point it'll become drudgery but for now, I'm enjoying it!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Free Heat!!!

Ah!!! The comforts of free heat in the winter!

Ok, so it wasn't really "free". The wood stove cost me $35 on Ebay. (Yes, it's fine....) The chimney and assorted pipe and accessories cost me another $450 or so. But! I no longer have to worry about how much propane I'm using to heat the house! Propane bills last winter were about $160 a month! YIKES!

So, if we use the wood stove for three months, it will have about paid for itself in propane savings. Yippee!!!

Next thing I need to work on is getting enough trees growing on my little hill to provide about a cord of wood a year. It'll take a while, but I think it'll work out just fine. Besides, while that's happening, there's plenty of free firewood to be had around here. Just gotta check the newspaper and the internet.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Survived Summer!

Well, we survived a Central California Summer with no Air Conditioning. Yippee!!!! 'Course, we had to do it with a swamp cooler. Which worked beautifully in our dry air.... Only time it didn't work that well was for about the week and a half the temps were over 110. But I expected that.

What didn't survive the summer that well are my plants. Too many damn critteres munchin' on them and keeping me from enjoying what I've planted. But, it's something to work on and we have plans...

And, I suppose that's it for now. I know; an awful long wait for nothing much to have been said. Ah, well!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What the HELL is their problem!??

Ok, time to rant....

What the HELL is it with Indian Culture that, when they (people in India) PM me over on Yahoo! and I tell them, "Go away and leave me alone" they persist in bugging me! I'm absolutely certain it something in the culture that I'm just not understanding.

But Christ-a-mighty! I mean, I tell this idiot "GO AWAY!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! DON'T WRITE TO ME AGAIN!!!" and he responds with "now be my friend". The culture difference can't be so vast as to have "Go away" mean "Keep talking to me", can it!?

I even go so far as to be as offensive as possible. And all they seem to be able to do is say "I love you. What's wrong dear?"

Now, this isn't to say that everybody from India is a moron. And that shouldn't even be applied at all. But there has to be some cultural thing I'm just not getting.... If you know, please comment! Christ! I don't understand!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Hills Have Critters!

I love it up here!

I've set up the pond from the old house outside the office window here. And I more-frequently-than-not am distracted by some flying feathered critter taking a bath in or a drink from the pond. The pond has also attracted several California Toads and at least one pair of Pacific Tree Frogs. (And several days ago, we found one hangin' out on the wall next to the front door. Yes, on the wall.) I'm fully expecting to see tadpoles swimmin' around in the pond anytime now. And I really, really want a larger pond now!

Some critter's been eatin' away on my watermelon seedlings, too. So I finally sorta-kinda declared war on 'em and made little chicken wire cages to go around the plants and planted 6 more seeds... If somethin' gets 'em now, I may jus' pull my hair out.

The dogs love being outside all day. (And I love having them outside all day.) They've discovered a new hobby: Digging up and eating gophers. Yes, eating. Kinda disgusting, I know, but at least they're learning survival skills!

Somewhere around this computer I have a large collection of many of the damn birds that have discovered the pond. If I find 'em anytime soon, I'll hafta get 'em on the blog here...

That is all...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Holy Weather, Batman!!!

When we moved up here. The very nice neighbors said that they had never seen it snow in the five years they had been up here. Well, that has all apparently changed this year...

This first picture is from facing out our front door. Back about 3 or four weeks ago. It was a nice snow fall of about 3/4 inch. It melted by 2 that afternoon. It was really quite the novelty and I took nearly 100 pictures.

The next picture, is one I rather like of my spring flowering hyacinths being crushed by that first light snowfall. A lovely contrast of spring and winter. One that would make Ansel Adams proud... (Ok, maybe not, but at least I'm trying!)

And, finally the view north west from the house later that first snow day. Obviously, we're just above the snow line here. (And, can you guess where the images for my Christmas Cards this year are coming from??? :) )

Ok, so that was it for that brief snow storm. I was runnin' around like a kid on a snow day... (Hmmm....)

Then, about a week ago, it snowed again. This time in the evening and the next morning the snow was still around making things slippery and icy. It, too, was gone by the afternoon.

And now last night and today... Hail, wind, snow, rain, clouds, sun, thunder.... Almost everything one could imagine from a weather system. No tornadoes though... (But they almost never strike in mountains....)

I don't have nearly as many pictures of today's snow fall 'cause the novelty's already worn off. It's still purty and all and I still kinda like it but I really would like things to dry out a little bit for a while around here.... Ah, well....

Friday, February 10, 2006

Bird Brained

The Next Chapter in Joys of Foothill Living....

You know about our kitty, Trixie; the 140-ish pound tawny colored mountain lion. You've read about the dogs and the Deer Treat they found. You've heard of the Eau du Skunk the dogs have worn home from being "out on the hill". Now comes the Thunking of the Bird.

Sitting watching TV yesterday afternoon--windows open, fresh air streaming into the house (yes, at the beginning of February)--I see a brown streak, well, streaking through the air. Coming at the house. It disappears from my field of vision and I hear a loud THUNK! from the bedroom. Karl asked, "What was that? A bird?" Yep. A bird.

I git up and go out to make sure the bird is all right. I see nothing from the porch. So I creep down the stairs toward the bedroom windows. Expecting to see a bird flopping around, dazed, on the ground. Nothing. No movement.

As I creep closer to the window, I see a bird, feet up lying in the dirt. Deader'n a doornail. "This is an Ex-Bird!" And I start to giggle. Yep, despite the tragic and sudden unexpected death of a living, breathing, flying thing, I'm giggling. Something about a bird smacking itself into a window and killing itself has struck me funny.... Poor bird.

We take the bird out to the edge of the hill and, uh, recycle it. (Ok, we toss it down the hill so it can become food for something else and not stink up our garbage can.)

And still today I'm tittering about the damn stupid bird which brained itself on the bedroom window.... Poor stupid bird....

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Muslims and Cartoons of their Prophet

Ya know, even though I'm not at all religous I'm pretty much all for people having their beliefs and all so long as they don't try to impose their will on other folks. "Believe what you want but don't try to convert me..."

That said, the Islamic world simply is NOT helping their worldwide image holding up signs that call for the death and destruction of people who mock their prophet. (Granted, newspapers and wire services and media doesn't help much either by publishing images such as This One from AFP. Since I believe the link will someday go dead, the signs read, "Kill those who insult Islam", "Exterminate those who slander [not visible, probably Islam]", and "Europe is the cancer Islam the answer".) I believe that most people are inherrently nice folks who just want to go about their business and not be bothered. But when you show the entire world that you can't handle someone else's opinion (such as a Danish newspaper's, for example) and then start fucking rioting because they published a drawing of someone---well, that's just over-reacting.

Muslims: You try to convince the world that your religion is a peaceful one then turn around and do shit like this. I still believe that most of you muslims are peaceful but this is NOT helping your image at all!!! STOP IT!

(To see the offending cartoons, check . That link may also go dead at some point, but not anytime soon, I'd wager...)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

American Idol is the Salvation of America!

I may be overstating it a tad but you read that correctly; Fox's American Idol is the salvation of America. Specifically, Simon Cowell.

Each season of this show has had its share of terrific singers (Carrie Underwood, for example) and its share of people who shouldn't ever be in front of a camera (this, the fifth, season's West Virginia cop singing, over and over again, "I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.") Yes, I admit; I watch the show. I don't particularly care about the outcome but I enjoy the show from time to time.

Ok, so here's why American Idol is the salvation of America...

For years, kids have been told by everyone around them "Oh, you're good!" or "You're terrific!" and "Everyone's a winner!" or "We have no losers; everybody gets a trophy!" This is done out of fear of hurting their feelings or damaging their self-esteem.

When everybody "wins" it takes the significance out of being a winner! It diminishes the accomplishments of those who have actually acheived something. It doesn't level the playing field, it levels (and destroys) the winners platform.

Think of this. If you worked your ass off at work right next to someone who simply went through the motions you would expect a larger raise or bonus than this other guy. But, if everybody gets the same bonus or raise what would that do to your motivation? It would drop through the floor! (At least mine would.)

Such is the same with these kids on American Idol. Several of them can sing. Many, many, many can not and should not. Not everybody should "go through to the next round". But since so many people around these kids have told them "You're terrific!" when they're anything but terrific their little bubble is burst wide open when Simon, Paula, and Randy tell them they're not "going to Hollywood" and they fly into a rage.

The camera follows auditionee out. Between tears, the auditionee says, "Those guys don't know what they're talking about! I'll show them! I don't need American Idol! I don't need Simon!" Etc., etc., etc.

(First off, if they don't "need" American Idol why the hell did they audition for the show!? If you're really that good, go get your own recording contract by sending demo tapes!)

Simon, Paula, and Randy's opinion are probably the first real and honest opinion they've ever heard and these kids' egos which have been built up by well-meaning but naive people can't handle any kind of rejection. It's horrible to watch and it just makes me mad. Mad at the parents, their friends, their families, etc.

I'm not blaming the kids who can't sing but think they can. I'm blaming their parents et. al. for telling them they can; for over-inflating these kids' egos to the point of bursting. I know these people think they're doing good by encouraging them to follow their dreams; by telling them you can be anything you want to be. But, some dreams take talent; and you either have it or not. If your dream is to be a singer and you're completely tone deaf (I've personally seen it happen) you're never going to be invited to Kennedy Center Honors for your hit single.

At some point, these parents et. al. need to tell these kids "Singing is not for you. Let's find something else." It shouldn't have to come from Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, nor Randy Jackson.

The kindest rejections these three give are "this competition isn't for you; you're not what we're looking for". It's not telling them they can't sing; just that they're not what the judges are looking for. I know it feels like a personal affront but if something's not right for you, there's not much that can be done about it. But since these egos are about to burst at the slightest dent in the bubble the poor kid doesn't hear "You're good but not right for us" he hears "You're horrible; please never sing again." And, again, it's not the kid's fault; if they had been taught appropriate self-confidence, they would walk away from this rejection actually feeling good about themselves and maybe even get steered in the right direction for their singing voice.

So, parents, stop telling your kids they're good or terrific at everything they do; it only sets them up for tremendous disappointment down the line. Talent can't be taught. Encourage your kids to do things they're actually good at. Both you and they will be much, much happier down the line.

American Idol is finally telling people they're not good at something. And that is why it's the salvation of America.

Shameless Promotion: Search for American Idol crap on eBay

Friday, January 13, 2006

UPS Has a BIG Problem

The biggest problem UPS (that's United Parcel Service) has is their fuckin' drivers can't read a fuckin' map! I've lived here for about 6 months and have been sent several packages via UPS. About half the time, the driver apparently jus' glances at the address, sees my street name, has never heard of it and reports that they need a "correct address" to deliver. But the fucking address has been correct the whole god damn time!

This first happened in August with some water pumps I'd bought on Ebay. They sat around the fucking Fresno distribution building for a god damn week! before the fucking driver finally decided to look at a map and find my little street. To be reasonably fair, this is the first time an address has been here on the street. Even the Postal Service had trouble the first time.

During the week the damn things were bouncing around the UPS center in Fresno I was told several times that it would be delivered "today" but never made it. Once the boxes finally arrived, there were printed maps from Yahoo! showing where this street is. So I know they know how to find me now. And the driver--the regular driver--knows how to find me well now.

The next thing I got sent via UPS to me was from an internet pharmacy. (No, not one in Canada; from a real, legit US pharmacy with prescriptions from the doctor I see personally on a regular basis.) They arrived with no problem.

Same again for the next package.

But then, at the beginning of December 2005, UPS screwed up again. The driver reported that he needed a "correct" address to get the package (again, medication) delivered. But the address was already correct!!!! I had to call the pharmacy to check on the status of the prescriptions to know that they had been shipped and that UPS had screwed up. When I talked to the supervisors at the Fresno center, they told me they "didn't know where the package was" in their building. (How the fuck can they deliver a package if they can't fucking find it in their own damn building!?) All the UPS shitheads could do was apologize and say they'll deliver it on Monday.

Fast forward to today. I bought a $125 TV antenna on Ebay so I can be sure to get all local channels up here. Yesterday's package arrived just fine (it was a signal combiner) and I asked the driver if he was working today. He didn't know for sure but would make sure that the driver of today's package would know how to find me.

Well, the antenna got on a UPS truck and then was delivered to the front door. But it was the wrong fucking front door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some incompetent idiot at the Fresno UPS center took it upon him- or herself to change the delivery address to my old address in Fresno!!!! My $125 antenna was left on the front porch of someone else's house!!!!!!!

FUCK! I was fucking pissed!

What the HELL is wrong with UPS in Fresno!?!? Their drivers can't figure out how to read a damn map! They can't locate packages in their own facility! They lie about when a package is going to be delivered! And they fucking change delivery addresses for no damn good reason!!!!!! FUCK!

Originally, I was told that they would send a driver out to pick it back up on Monday. I told them they weren't going to do that and that they were going to go get it immediately and deliver it to me tomorrow.

Well, I'm supposed to just roll over and take the "inconvience" (for which I think they'll just say "I'm sorry" and expect that to make it better) of their incompetance and wait for it to be delivered on Monday.

UPS has a 50% delivery rate up here. That's fucking abysmal! And I simply don't see it improving in the future. Someone at UPS Fresno needs to take responsibility for these nearly incessant screw-ups and all they do is fall back on the fucking corporation.

I understand things are late from time to time. I understand that there are unforseen delays. But to CHANGE THE DELIVERY ADDRESS!? And I also realize that the DOLT! who made the change thought he/she was helping. STOP TRYING TO FUCKING HELP AND JUST DO THE JOB THE RIGHT WAY THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, January 02, 2006

Raining Up??

Just a quick little post...

You've heard of rain falling from the sky and it raining "sideways"... Well, just about an hour or two ago, we had it raining UP. Yes, up. The wind was gusting so damn hard up here on this hill, that rain was coming up from below. It marks the first time I've seen it rain up...

That is all...

(Oh, and we've already had our first power outage since having electricity! Yippee!!! I feel like a real person again!!)