Wednesday, December 14, 2005

1st Annoying Day of Christmas: Jesus is NOT the reason for the Season!

On the First Annoying Day of Christmas
O'Reilly said to us,
"The reason for the season is Jesus"

Here's a news flash for Bill O'Reilly, et. al.: Jesus is not the reason for the season! It's just an annoying pithy saying! The real reason for the season (both figuratively and literally) is the winter solstice!

Christmas is a derivative of "Christ Mass" which was first held by the Roman Catholic Church on December 25 oh so many decades ago. And it's not like they knew that This God-Child was actually *born* on December 25 (forgetting anything about Julian calendars, and all)! They merely took the pagan celebration of the winter solstice and held a mass to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

(And, no, I'm not actually accusing O'Reilly of saying that exact phrase in the song lyric above. This is satire.)

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