Thursday, September 29, 2005

28 Days Later (Not The Movie)

After Seven weeks of "camping" on my new property, I'm waxing poetic today.

A couple days ago, I was struck by how much more attached or in tune I have become to, generally, nature. More specifically, the cycles of the moon. When you're out camping under the stars (and rain clouds and thunderheads) for such an extended time, the cycles of the moon become plainly obvious. Even the movement of the planets among the stars is obvious.

I used to go to sleep very late at night and wake up around noon (or sometimes later). But, over the past seven weeks, I've been sacking it in shortly after sundown and getting up shortly after sunup. Do I feel better after spending so much time on a "natural" waking cycle? I don't know. I still get pretty darn irritated and annoyed with and at things.

Anyway, the past seven weeks have been, at the very least, interesting. But I am so VERY ready to be done with this extended camping trip. Today, the plumbing connections are being made so we'll have indoor plumbing soon--maybe by tonight! (You don't really want to know the details but having those connections made will vastly improve the quality of life for us.)

On the other hand, as I think I said 28 days ago, this experience could be sucking a lot harder if it weren't for the running water. Oh, and the trailer's refrigerator and freezer finally got to working well. (Well, it works well enough.)

And, finally, we're able to move ahead with the telephone connection. We were supposed to have trenched the 650 feet (from where the pole is going to be to the house) to a depth of 18 to 24 inches. However, the bedrock is--in some places--only four inches below the surface. UGH! But, we and Verizon got that worked out. Sometime in the next 30 days, I should have phone service!!!

The house is in one peice. The roof is on. My new washer and dryer are installed. Soon--very soon--I hope to be able to move in...


  1. Lurky? Is that you? Fred here. My kid pulled out my old yearbooks and after answering numerous questions for her I took my own trip down memory lane.

    And of course there you were. Well, if this is you. Looks like you. An older, much hairier you (from some of the pics on your old blog) . . but definitely you.

    Well, if this is Lurky and you remember who Fred is . . drop me an email. I don't go by Fred anymore really. Now I'm Fate. If it's you drop me a line. (fatewineroses AT gmail DOT com) Would love to catch up.


  2. Oh, my God... That's a voice from 20+ years ago... Sheesh!! (Though, my mind is kinda like a seive and I'm not exactly sure of Fred's real name, but I *do* remember her. (Yes, her...) )
