I see a lot of the old, ridiculous arguments being brought up in favor of removing the rights of gay couples to marry. "Children need both parents", "It isn't natural", "I think it's gross", "What's next? People marrying their goats?", etc., etc., etc.,
ad naseum. So, if Proposition 8 passes (I don't think it will), I have a few other constitutional amendments I'd like to propose.
- Only marriage between a fertile male and a fertile female is valid or recognized in California.
- Once married, a child must be produced by a married couple within 4 years. Failure to do so results in a non-refundable child-free-fee of $1,500 paid to the State which doubles every 9 months the fertile couple remains childless.
- Marriage is permanent and can not be revoked, annulled, dissolved, or otherwise canceled by any party at any time for any reason.
- Eyeglasses are unnatural and shall be destroyed on sight.
- Boogers are gross. It shall be a felony to knowingly or unknowingly display or cause to be displayed any booger at any time in any place for any reason.
Look, none of the fears of the Yes on 8 Campaign have come true in California. Not a single, solitary one. No church nor religious leader has been sued (successfully or unsuccessfully) for refusing to perform any marriage--much less a same-sex marriage--that they don't want to. Churches have been free to not marry anybody they so chose; the failure of Proposition 8 to pass will simply not change that.
I welcome your comments, as always.
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