Yes, not my traditional “howdy” or “what’s up?” or “how’re you?” but “hello”. I’m mad…hell, I’m furious!...and I’m going to do something about it!
Everyone receiving this email knows me personally. For some reason I consider you family or friend or somewhere in between. That includes a certain level of respect for each other and appreciation for our rights as human beings. It’s with this in mind that I write this email.
If anyone reading this email votes “yes” on Prop 8, then please do NOT EVER speak to me again!
Yes, I mean that!
I don’t care what my connection to you is, because if you support Prop 8, you are not welcome in my house or my life EVER again. Period. I don’t care why you vote that way, because in the final analysis it’s a vote that says I’m somehow inferior to you and not deserving of the same basic human rights and privileges you enjoy. That’s bigoted and discriminatory and I will NOT have ANYONE in my life that feels that way!
This is NOT a religious issue, because our country’s founding principles are a separation of Church and State. This is NOT a personal issue, because what I do with the man I love has NOTHING to do with you personally. This is NOT a social issue, as allowing me to form a publically-recognized committed-union with someone I want to spend my life with in NO WAY weakens your marriage. And if you think it does, then your marriage is a pretty crappy sham…
Don’t tell me to calm down, either! >8-(
How would you expect your Black friends to react to your affirmation of some KKK creed? How would your Jewish friends react to you denying the historicity of the Holocaust? How would your female friends respond to being told they are patently inferior and not deserving of equal rights?
THIS is the social movement of our times, no less important or controversial than the Woman’s Suffrage movements of the 1920s or the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. If you missed out on your chance to DO THE RIGHT THING in the past, then here’s your chance in the present! Support equal rights for all, not just those who look and pray the way you do.
And yes, I absolutely mean and will stand by EVERYTHING I’ve written here.
p.s. – if you want more info…believe me, I’ve a ton. This entire campaign is based on lies and intentional misinterpretations! No Church can be sued any more than it can today (i.e. the Catholic Church will be no more required to perform gay marriages than they are required to marry divorcees today). And comparing polygamous marriage or under-age or sibling marriage as anything related to gay marriage in this proposition is somewhere between an intentional disingenuine straw man argument and a bold-faced LIE. It’s like condemning all people of faith because some zealots blow up buildings…!
I've heard from David since he sent his message went out; his loving family is still voting Yes on Proposition 8. It's ridiculous beyond any measure how his family, who says they love David, still want to deny him and others the rights they themselves enjoy simply because of whom David may want to marry. And in the process cause the so-called loving ties to be severed.
Is "tradition" so strong, so engraved, so entrenched that it is worth alienating those who you say you love?
While I may not be prepared to sever ties with family and friends on this issue I definitely understand the depth of his emotion.
Please, vote no on Proposition 8 in California. Or, vote No on Arizona's Proposition 102 and Florida's Proposition 2.
Like with all these postings, I welcome your comments.
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