Monday, January 02, 2006

Raining Up??

Just a quick little post...

You've heard of rain falling from the sky and it raining "sideways"... Well, just about an hour or two ago, we had it raining UP. Yes, up. The wind was gusting so damn hard up here on this hill, that rain was coming up from below. It marks the first time I've seen it rain up...

That is all...

(Oh, and we've already had our first power outage since having electricity! Yippee!!! I feel like a real person again!!)


  1. I hear you,Bryan.Over here in Salinas,the wind gusts were the worst I've ever seen.We lost about 12 trees on the property,big ones-pines and eucalyptus.More damage than the El Nino years.Went without electricity for about 36 hours.

  2. Well, Mike, I hopw you found the trees you lost. I don't think they would be able to walk very far in the weather y'all had.

    Electricity here was only out for about 14 hours. But I was happy to electricity that was *able* to go out. :)
