Monday, August 15, 2005

Rain + Dirt = MUD!

Ok, so about 2:00 o'clock this morning, I was awakened by a thunderous clap of thunder. (I suppose that's why it was thunderous... But I digress....) A few moments later, a small sprinklin' of rain was coming down. It was mildly refreshing.

It remained mildly refreshing for about two minutes. It remained mildly refreshing until it started pouring.

We lept up from our beds scrambling around the "camp site" that I call home putting the electronic stuff away, getting my sleeping bag out of the downpour, putting the dogs in the truck, things like that.

After we rescued all we thought needed rescuing, we huddled together in the tiny spot of space still left in the trailer I'm using for storage.

It poured for about 45 minutes or so making a nice mud patch that used to be a dirt patch. Lightening struck the high voltage power lines at least once. Or I think it did.

After the storm passed, we watched the lightening strikes in the valley. It was as pretty as I had hoped it would be.

In fact, the whole thunder storm experience would have been nice and purty if I'd had a house already...

Ah! Homesteading!!!


  1. What, no photos?

  2. I'm working on it... Photos are difficult to come by down here in the library...

    I'll get pictures later. I still have to run my computer off of a power inverter from the truck.
