Saturday, November 29, 2008

Debt and the So-Called "Magic Words"

It's mildly amusing to me that the most popular page by far on this blog is "Kevin Trudeau's Two Magic Words". Soon, it will surpass the page loads of even the main blog page. That's all. It's just amusing to me....

Friday, November 07, 2008

Bryan Loses His Cool

The November 2008 election is over. And I've been declared a second-class citizen in three states not worthy of the same rights, benefits, privileges and responsibilities of a straight person. And, in still another state, a less-qualified parent than no parent at all. All simply based on how I was born; I am a gay man.

The Yes on 8 Campaign waged a campaign based on deceit, outright lies, and fear. Even when presented with clear, logical reasons why the proposed "amendment" was badly written and fundamentally flawed, people still said they would vote to eliminate my right to have the same benefits and privileges as a straight person has.

Ironically, now same sex marriage will indeed be taught in schools but not in the health and sex education curriculum which parents have the full right (and, frankly, obligation) to exclude their children from shoudl they not want their children in sex ed. Gay marriage will now be taught in social science and history where they, as far as I know, do NOT have the right to exclude their children. Their oh-so-precious children will now be taught about gay marriage regardless.

In Arkansas, the voters decided that, simply because I am gay, I can not adopt nor be a foster parent to a child. How the FUCK do they think that denying their children a family helps the family? Exactly WHY is being gay such a horrible, awful thing that, "Oh my god! We can't have the children knowing about that!!!" Here's a newsflash; nearly ALL gay people were raised by straight people. And, to top it off, these are children nobody else wants; how does denying people who want to raise them help raise them!?

In Florida, I can't even have a domestic partnership. The voters decided that I should not be allowed even a "separate but equal" government-recognized union. How the HELL are these laws and so-called "amendments" even fucking constitutional!? There is absolutely no logical reason why a government should be denying rights to one group of people simply because of the way they were born.

I am not evil. I do not want to recruit your children. I am not less qualified to be a parent than no parent.

Fuck you, Supporters of these absurd bans!