Yeah, I'm jumping on the bandwagon... But not for the reason you might think.
Gas Prices are now over $4.00 a gallon in "many" parts of the US. (According to an AP news story today.) And, good ol' Prez Bush, The Sequel, recently said that he "hadn't heard" that gas prices were so high. What the FUCK does this asshole of a president do while he's only reading the headlines of the newspaper? Everything this guy says should immediately be inverted "I'm a uniter, not a divider", "[FEMA President Brown] is doing a heck-of-a-job!", "We aren't headed into a recession."
To top that off oil companies are making THE MOST MONEY THEY EVER HAVE! with these gas prices! What the HELL went on at that top-secret Energy Commission meeting back at the beginning of Shrub's Presidency??
Yes, I'm a little miffed. Ok, I'm downright peeved. And, with these prices around here being in the mid-three-dollar range, I don't go away from home very often. Hell, mowing the lawn is getting to be too expensive.