I love it up here!
I've set up the pond from the old house outside the office window here. And I more-frequently-than-not am distracted by some flying feathered critter taking a bath in or a drink from the pond. The pond has also attracted several California Toads and at least one pair of Pacific Tree Frogs. (And several days ago, we found one hangin' out on the wall next to the front door. Yes, on the wall.) I'm fully expecting to see tadpoles swimmin' around in the pond anytime now. And I really, really want a larger pond now!
Some critter's been eatin' away on my watermelon seedlings, too. So I finally sorta-kinda declared war on 'em and made little chicken wire cages to go around the plants and planted 6 more seeds... If somethin' gets 'em now, I may jus' pull my hair out.
The dogs love being outside all day. (And I love having them outside all day.) They've discovered a new hobby: Digging up and eating gophers. Yes, eating. Kinda disgusting, I know, but at least they're learning survival skills!
Somewhere around this computer I have a large collection of many of the damn birds that have discovered the pond. If I find 'em anytime soon, I'll hafta get 'em on the blog here...
That is all...