This first picture is from facing out our front door. Back about 3 or four weeks ago. It was a nice snow fall of about 3/4 inch. It melted by 2 that afternoon. It was really quite the novelty and I took nearly 100 pictures.
Ok, so that was it for that brief snow storm. I was runnin' around like a kid on a snow day... (Hmmm....)
Then, about a week ago, it snowed again. This time in the evening and the next morning the snow was still around making things slippery and icy. It, too, was gone by the afternoon.
And now last night and today... Hail, wind, snow, rain, clouds, sun, thunder.... Almost everything one could imagine from a weather system. No tornadoes though... (But they almost never strike in mountains....)
I don't have nearly as many pictures of today's snow fall 'cause the novelty's already worn off. It's still purty and all and I still kinda like it but I really would like things to dry out a little bit for a while around here.... Ah, well....