Well, selling the house and had to fumigate. Went camping for the three days the house was tented came back and all hell broke loose.
PG&E was supposed to have been at the house between 1 and 5 pm to re-establish gas service. They showed up at 1:15. Which would have been fine except we ran into traffic on the way home and were delayed about 5-10 minutes.
We pull up to my house and see the PG&E truck pulling away. We chase it down and see if the guy can turn around and restore the gas service. He said he couldn't and to call in and have someone else come out later that day. (His name was Steve. In Fresno.)
Well, that isn't the way it worked out. I spent an hour on the phone with PG&E (That's Pacific Gas And Electric Company for the Search Engines....) trying to get them to provide the "excellent service" their little "Sorry we missed you" card said was their goal. Turns out, they don't give a rat's ass about "excellent service" if you happen to have been delayed because of circumstances beyond one's controll.
I was told that the earliest they could get someone back to my house was the next morning. (Mind you, I'd jus' been three days without a hot shower. I didn't want to be around myself much less submitting anybody else to me.) I told the lady on the other end of the line that tomorrow was not acceptable. She decided that I'd be better off talking to her supervisor.
I ended up yelling (I mean, really yelling) at Mr. Belt, the supervisor's supervisor (whatever that means...) in the San Jose call center for PG&E. I kept telling him (and others that I spoke with) that I wasn't getting the "excellet service" they claim is their goal and even asked him, "Are you so ineffective as a supervisor that you can't make an exception?"
That didn't go too well. I called back and spoke to Mr. Belt's counterpart at the Sacramento call center and that went exactly the same way; but with less yelling.
Eventually, I spoke with someone in Consumer Affairs in San Francisco; and once again, they declined to provide "excellent service".
I suppose I could have complained also to the CPUC but that wouldn't do me a whole lotta good.
The next day, Rodney (no, not Carrington) shows up and happily and cheerfully provided me, finally, with excellent service. He also said that he wouldn't have jus' kept driving away as Steve had done the day before. He would have called in to dispatch and said that the homeowner had just shown up. Thank you, Rodney.
That's the basic story behind PG&E. Wait 'til I start in on Your Way Fumigation and the shoddy job they did on the fumigation itself....
Oh, yeah, Yosemite was a lot of fun....
(And now, for search engines: PG&E Complain Complaint Pacific Gas Electric Company)